Interested in becoming a SCA member? Fill out this form and someone from the membership team will contact you to answer any questions you may have.
Membership meetings.
Monthly membership meetings are held at 7:00pm on the second Monday of each month. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We have numerous functions and committees throughout the year and can always use your help. Please become an involved member!
Become a member.
Attend a monthly meeting with your application filled out to be voted in. Monthly meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse.
First Year Membership: $125.00 First Year Membership Over 62: $65 Spouse Membership: $10
Members of the SCA automatically become members of the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC); and if you provide us with your email address you are eligible to receive the MUCC e-magazine online.
Renewing your membership.
As a member in good standing, you have multiple renewal options.
General Renewal Member: $100 Over 62 Renewal Member: $55 Active Renewal Member: $45
Renewal fees are due January 1st of each year and must be paid by February 1st to maintain membership status.
* Active Renewal Members must have 20 or more hours of documented volunteer time during the previous calendar year.
Please take note.
All memberships expire on the 1st of January each year. To renew your dues at a DISCOUNT, you must pay by February 1st. Dues paid after that will be charged at the new member rate. Your membership entitles you, your spouse (or significant other), and children up to age 18 to participate in club activities and use our facilities.
Please notify the club secretary of any address changes. You will receive our club newsletter during the year, as well as the "Michigan Out-of-Doors" magazine from MUCC. Your membership in the SCA includes membership in the statewide Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC).
Shiawassee Conservation Association Lifetime Members
The following individuals have been recognized by the club and are honored with lifetime membership.
Bill Began
Jim Cline (deceased)
Clyde Christmas
Linda Christmas
Don Cole
Bob Custer
Bob Debar
Joe Dedic
Helen Dedic
Mike Fisher
John Frolka (deceased)
Ben Glardon
Ed Gray (deceased)
Tony Havalda (deceased)
David Heagle
David Hoffman (deceased)
Jim Horak
Mike Horak
Bob Hudecek
Richard Jones (deceased)
Terry Kemp
Bill Kilburn
Roy Kilburn (deceased)
Cloyse Lundie
John Kuchar
Larry Martin
Brian McNamara
Noel Meyers
Larry Neumann
Del Norder
Alex Ostipow (deceased)
Bill Ott
Robert Porter
Ken Putnam
Walt Ritenburg (deceased)
Bob Sattler
Elizabeth Schautz (deceased)
Jim Sparks (deceased)
Milan Stasa
Frank Ustynek (deceased)
Teri Vogl
Al Wagner (deceased)
Jim Watters
Stan Whittaker
Jon Wilson
Ernie Wirostek
Richard Zemcik
Tony Zlomak
Herb Cramer
Don Gray
Johnny Jankovic